This section of our web site provides you with a link to a website outside of the Noble County Sheriff’s Department web site to search the Indiana Sex Offender Registry.
The Noble County Sheriff’s Department makes no representation, either implied or expressed, that all information placed on this web site is accurate. Much of the information derives from official records but some is gathered from the offenders themselves who are required to register with local law enforcement in each county where they live, work, attend school, or own property. It is your responsibility to make sure the records you access through this site pertain to the person about whom you are seeking information by working with law enforcement or other criminal justice authorities as appropriate.
Based on information submitted, a person whose name appears in this registry has been convicted of a sex offense or a violent offense or has been adjudicated a delinquent child for an act that would be a sex offense or violent offense if committed by an adult.
Information contained on this site provides no representation as to any offender’s likelihood of re-offending or the nature of any future crimes that may be committed.
Information in this registry may not be used to harass or threaten offenders or their families. Harassment, stalking, or threats may violate Indiana law.
If you have any questions about a particular offender or if you believe that information on this web site is incorrect, please contact the sheriff’s department in the county where you live or the sheriff’s department in the county where the offender is or should be registered. Local sheriffs maintain and update sex offender registration information including the information found on this site. They will be able to assist you directly or will refer you to another department if necessary to answer the questions you may have. Contact information for sheriff departments can be found here.
For more information about the Indiana registry laws refer to Indiana Codes 11-8-8, 35-38-1-7.5, 35-42-4-10, 35-42-4-11, and 35-42-4-12.
If you have questions about sex offender registration in general, please contact us.
You can also contact the Indiana Department of Correction if you have questions about Indiana registration laws:
Indiana Department of Correction
Phone: (317) 232-1232
Fax: (317) 233-1474
Indiana Department of Correction
Attn: Indiana Sex Offender Registry
302 W. Washington St.
Indiana Government Center South, E334
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2038