Enforcement Staff

Chief Deputy Brian Walker is the second-in-command of the Sheriff’s Department, and in the absence of the Sheriff, acts on his behalf. He has authority over all areas, but just as with the Sheriff, functions through the chain of command.

The Enforcement Division of the Noble County Sheriff’s Department has the responsibility of enforcing the laws of the state, both criminal and traffic, throughout Noble County. Enforcement support is provided to other local police departments when requested.

The Enforcement Division is comprised of 23 sworn officers, which are divided into various areas of responsibility, serving the community around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Due to the number of deputies actually on duty at any given time, it is sometimes necessary to prioritize calls for an officer’s response based upon the severity and number of calls received.

Shift Supervisors

  • Sergeant Chris Moriarity, First Shift
  • Sergeant Carey Coney, Second Shift

Merit Deputies

  • Deputy Jesse Lich
  • Deputy Todd Weber
  • Deputy Nathan Rodenbeck
  • Deputy Matthew Woodward
  • Deputy Chase Gibson
  • Deputy Jerry Weber
  • Deputy Noah Renbarger
  • Deputy Christian Harlan
  • Deputy Braxton Madison
  • Deputy Royal Kirkpatrick
  • Deputy Terry Warren
  • Deputy Nicholas Dubea
  • Deputy Shane Coney

Civil Process

  • Officer Jeremy Walters


  • Detective Lieutenant Shawn Dunafin
  • Detective Sergeant Doug Ewell
  • Detective Sergeant Shafter Baker
  • One additional investigator is permanently assigned to the DEA Drug Task Force

Crime Scene

  • Sergeant Whitney Dangello

Court Security

  • Officer William Simpson
  • Officer Dakota Wilcox

Evidence Room

  • Tom Kolb

Sheriff’s Reserve Program

The Reserve Program was formed in 1977, as a volunteer component of the Sheriff’s Department and is currently comprised of 13 members who devote countless hours each year serving the community.

Reserve Deputies are appointed by the Sheriff, upon approval by the Sheriff’s Merit Board, and are professionally trained and duly sworn law enforcement personnel serving in a capacity similar to a full-time merit officer. Reserve Deputies perform general law enforcement duties including crime prevention and investigation, responding to calls, traffic control and enforcement.

Each officer must complete a 40 hour pre-basic training course and maintain a minimum of 16 hours of approved in-service training each year. In addition, they attend monthly meetings and each officer works a minimum of 12 hours per month on patrol. Basic eligibility requirements for reserve program applicants are:

  • Must be a United States Citizen.
  • Must be at least 21 years of age.
  • Weight must be in reasonable proportion to height.
  • Must be a high school graduate or holder of a valid graduation equivalency diploma.
  • Must possess a valid Indiana operator’s license.
  • Must not have had a felony conviction.
  • Must not have falsified an application.
  • Must be a United States Citizen.

If interested in becoming a member of the Sheriff’s Reserve Program, contact the Sheriff’s Department for further information.